Top Student: Experience Infinite Occupations

Top Student: Experience Infinite Occupations

  1. All Class Master
  2. Verifying the Game function
  3. Elementary School Knowledge Skill
  4. Unappreciated Kindness
  5. Skill: Middle School Knowledge
  6. Learning Programming Technology
  7. Skill: Senior High School Knowledge
  8. Sign Up
  9. Ding Ling
  10. What a Joke
  11. He's a Beginner
  12. Li Chengqian Is Bragging
  13. Skill Upgrade
  14. Before the Results Are Announced
  15. Results and Placement
  16. Disappointment
  17. Learning to Type
  18. Three Basic Professions
  19. Taking up the Farmer Profession 1
  20. Taking up the Farmer Profession 2
  21. Picnic Plans
  22. Showing Off
  23. All Trash
  24. Do You Think I Don't Understand?
  25. Subpar Trash
  26. Refreshed
  27. Second Mock Exam Begins
  28. Worker Profession 1
  29. Worker Profession 2
  30. Examinations are Over
  31. The Loss Outweighs the Gain
  32. This Is My Test Paper
  33. Parent-Teacher Meeting
  34. You Are a Joke
  35. Announcement of Results
  36. Announcement of Results 2
  37. Number One in the Whole Province
  38. Do You Think I Can't Expel You?
  39. Pride
  40. Taken Away
  41. A Heart-to-heart Talk on the Way Home
  42. Software Engineer, Divine Dragon Optimization
  43. Mediation
  44. Cruel World
  45. You Don't Have A Choice
  46. A Few Tight Slaps
  47. Child's Play
  48. Apologizing
  49. Apologizing 2
  50. You Are Under Arrest
  51. Awesome Li
  52. Software 65% Completed
  53. Teammate
  54. Taking Leave
  55. Perfecting The Data Restoration Software
  56. Results Of Software Test
  57. 100,000 Per Year
  58. Signing The Contract
  59. Divine Dragon Optimization Software Completed
  60. Just Wait For Victory To Fall On Your Lap
  61. New Profession, Software Engineer
  62. Mental Coding
  63. Arrival, Meetup
  64. You're Still Young, Don't Mess Around
  65. Young People Must Exercise Restraint
  66. The Preliminaries Starts
  67. Full Marks for the Test
  68. He Hongyun, First Place
  69. Historical Results 1
  70. Never Apologize
  71. Value for Money
  72. Game Over!
  73. Phone Call
  74. Envy
  75. Difficult Question
  76. Space Station Operating System
  77. Free and Easy
  78. Spoilsport
  79. Gathering
  80. Isn't It Interesting?
  81. Pitiful
  82. Forming a Company
  83. Certainly Popular
  84. Review on Livestream
  85. Divine Dragon Optimization App Removed from App Stores
  86. The Big Manufacturers are Alarmed
  87. Referral Plan
  88. They are Here
  89. Terrible Price to Pay
  90. No Say
  91. Response and Reaction
  92. Invasion and Counterattack
  93. Counter Invasion
  94. Regret
  95. Baidu's Recommendation, Now Trending
  96. Successfully Hacked On the Spot?
  97. Controlling Tencent Corporation's Server
  98. Arrogance
  99. The Deadly Tactics of Phone Manufacturers
  100. All-round Attack, Cornered
  101. Admitting Defeat
  102. Parting on Bad Terms
  103. Public Enemy
  104. Trio to Dragon City, Software Interview
  105. Investigation
  106. Problem
  107. Arrest (1)
  108. Arrest (2)
  109. Arrogant People Need to be Taught a Lesson
  110. Want to Play Rough with Me?
  111. No Evidence
  112. Scapegoat
  113. The Price is Your Freedom
  114. Annihilation
  115. Investigation Report
  116. Special Recruitment Conditions
  117. Invitation from the Review Committee
  118. Banned by Android
  119. Fatal Issue
  120. Developing a New System
  121. Disbelief
  122. Upheaval
  123. Missing Core Document
  124. Level One Support
  125. There's No Need to Go All the Way
  126. System Release
  127. Besieged
  128. Visit and Support
  129. Thinking Along a Different Line
  130. Sold Out in Ten Minutes 1
  131. Sold Out in Ten Minutes 2
  132. Sold Out in Ten Minutes 3
  133. Black Technology, Brainwave Coding
  134. Miserable Launch, Upgraded Skills
  135. Pitfall Eliminated, Rewards Reaped
  136. An Attack on the Software Ecosystem
  137. Mental Inputting. Shocking!
  138. Divine Dragon Compiler, A Bold Declaration
  139. Divine Dragon Compiler, A Bold Declaration
  140. Preparation Completed
  141. A Compiler that Struck Fear into the Giants' Hearts 1
  142. A Compiler that Struck Fear into the Giants' Hearts 2
  143.  A Compiler that Struck Fear into the Giants' Hearts 3
  144. Operating System Is Our Territory
  145. Curtailed Development
  146. Demonstration of the Brainwave Receiver
  147. It is a Must to Obtain the Brainwave Analysis Technique
  148. Two Million Reservations
  149. Heyme's Sales Crisis
  150. Thirty Billion Income in One Hour
  151. AI Program, Bai Ze
  152. Meeting Heyme, Harsh Terms
  153. Intelligent CAD Software
  154. Taking on the Farm Owner Profession 1
  155. Taking on the Farm Owner Profession 2
  156. Taking on the Farm Owner Profession 3
  157. Level 1 Rare Treasure, Fire Wolfberry
  158. Sanction Begins, Production Restricted
  159. Response Plan, Reaction of All Parties
  160. Using Manufacturing Principles and Expedited Processing Skills
  161. Automated Factory Design Completed
  162. Commercial Spy
  163. Putting Up an Act, Playing Along
  164. Production
  165. Claim Compensation
  166. Smug
  167. Got It 1
  168. Got It 2
  169. Waiting 1
  170. Waiting 2
  171. Waiting 3
  172. You are Under Arrest
  173. Back to School
  174. Goodbye, Poor Thing
  175. Fake Excitement
  176. Night Attack
  177. Principal Waiting at the Door
  178. Invitation and Rejection 1
  179. Invitation and Rejection 2
  180. Invitation and Rejection 3
  181. The Time Is Right 1
  182. The Time Is Right 2
  183. The Time Is Right 3
  184. A Virus Attack?
  185. What's Going On?
  186. Despondent Zhang Tianling
  187. Leaked News
  188. Shockingly Advanced
  189. The World Will Cheer You On
  190. Thoughts on the Future
  191. Code 1996
  192. Shudder
  193. Future Programming Software
  194. A CAD Software that Can Make the Nation Strong
  195. The Whole World Is Watching
  196. Terrifying Scheme
  197. Dispelling Doubts
  198. Project Great Flood
  199. Teach a Lesson
  200. Q&A

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